Posted On February 14, 2019
NextGen Programme: Our Industry Partnerships
A significant part of G&T’s NextGen programme is focussed on collaboration and building strong connections across the industry. Our partnerships with other industry bodies and NextGen initiatives are a vital part of developing these connections and helping to bring people together – creating platforms and opportunities for discussion and new ideas.
Read on to find out more about our NextGen Partnerships…
"Supporting the next generation of talent is a fundamental part of the business philosophy at G&T."Adam Glover, G&T
The London Real Estate Forum
The London Real Estate Forum (LREF) brings together real estate professionals from across the built environment to showcase exciting developments happening in and around the Capital over a two day conference.
Our collaboration on LREF’s NextGen initiative began in 2015, where we sponsored the NextGen Reception on the first night of the conference. The programme has since evolved to include roundtable discussions with some of the industry’s rising stars and most recently a NextGen debate arguing the solution to the London housing crisis hosted alongside New London Architecture.
"Our theme is 'People not Property' and this seems to fit even more alongside the theme of the next generation."Nick McKeogh, LREF

We continue our partnership with LREF into 2019 and the conference theme of People not Property - with a new venue and increased programme of activities we are excited to see what opportunities and new ideas it will bring.
New London Architecture
New London Architecture (NLA) brings together built environment professionals, politicians and the public, allowing them to meet, learn and discuss the future shape of London. Its NextGen programme started back in 2016 with the aim to identify and support young talent within the industry and to champion future leaders of the built environment.

G&T has been programme champion of the NLA NextGen since it began, hosting the launch event and welcoming over 200 industry professionals. The network now includes over 300 and we are proud to have been part of its development - bringing people together to deliberate key industry challenges and hot topics.
The programme incorporates a diverse mix of events and activities, including speed mentoring evenings with senior professionals, Pecha Kucha presentations and networking events. The multidisciplinary mix of members ensures the programme remains relevant and is continuously evolving.

© Christina Solomons
The City Property Association
Representing major owners, developers, occupiers, investors and advisors to real estate in the City of London, the City Property Association (CPA) launched its NextGen initiative last summer - aimed at supporting and engaging the next generation of leaders with the future of the City.
G&T is proud to be the CPA’s NextGen champion for 2019 and help to grow the initiative from a series of networking events to an exciting programme of thought leadership activities and policy engagement.
"We want to embrace and encourage change in the sector."Rosie Day, CPA

Being the CPA’s NextGen champion will increase the number of opportunities available to connect the next generation to likeminded professionals looking to build their networks, grow their skills and develop new ideas.
Find out more about our NextGen programme.
Watch our launch film.
Keep up to date with NextGen news by following us on Twitter.