Robert Heald

Having worked in the industry for over 35 years and the healthcare sector for over 20 years, Bob is an expert in the capital costs side of NHS Business Case Preparation and Option Appraisals and has particular expertise in the Department of Health's ProCure21, ProCure21+ and now ProCure22 procurement initiatives. Bob leads G&T's cost management healthcare team and also leads for G&T on our involvement in the NHS Shared Business Services framework.
Current schemes include two HIP1 schemes - the new Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow and a Specialist Emergency Care Hospital for Epsom and St Helier - and Springfield Estate Modernisation programme for South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust which will deliver new mental health inpatient accommodation.
Other notable schemes include Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital - the UK's first specialist emergency care hospital, the £130m SOC and OBC that underpinned the formal merger of Basildon, Southend and Mid Essex Hospital Trusts into the new Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust and the Cardiothoracic Centre for Essex at Basildon Hospital - a flagship ProCure21 project where the team was awarded 'Project Team of the Year' at the Building Better Healthcare Awards.
Bob is also part of our defence sector delivery team and has delivered several projects at HM Naval Base Portsmouth for the MOD/Navy via BAE Systems, with an ongoing portfolio of projects there.
Bob sits on the ProCure22 national commercial group and is a member of a new NHSE&I and BCIS initiative looking at hospital construction costs generally.