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All Projects Remove Filter
National Trust for Scotland Projects Ambitious five year plan to showcase heritage of Scotland
National Youth Theatre Major renovation of professional studio space
Natixis 180,000 RSF interior fit-out
Natixis Investment Managers Office relocation within the City of London
Natural History Museum - Members' and Patrons' Room Transforming a previously unusable area of the museum
NBC Universal A major lobby renovation and retail store
NBCU Boston Media Center Co-location of four businesses under one roof
NBCUniversal Telemundo Largest single open newsroom in the USA
Neighbourhood North Major Refurbishment of quayside office block
Nestlé S.A. Global Workplace Solutions FM benchmarking and service analytics
NeuConnect Interconnector Connecting two of Europe's largest energy markets
Neuron Pod Free-standing pod bringing science to the local community
Neville Hall Home of the world's oldest professional mining organisation
New Biology and Chemistry Schools Setting a new standard for science education
New City Court New office and retail development at London Bridge
New College Doncaster New purpose built Sixth Form College
New Eidyn New apartments for city's vibrant lifestyle district
New Hospital Programme Nationwide programme of investment in health infrastructure
New Lanarkshire Campus - EcoCampus One of the UK's Greenest University Campuses
New Ludgate "City of London Building of the Year" 2016
New Specialist Emergency Care Hospital New 538 bed acute hospital
New Town Quarter New community on former brownfield site
New York Police Academy One of New York City's largest building projects
New York Stock Exchange Multi phased renovation programme
New York Times Headquarters Manhattan's Greenest Tower
Newcastle Gateshead Quays One of the largest regeneration projects in the North East
News Corporation/Dow Jones Fit-out encompassing media wall and interactive hub desk
NHS Fife Projects Various projects working closely with the Trust and PSCP
NHS Grampian Capital Projects Transformation of of the Foresterhill Campus
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Programme of Works New build and refurbishment works in live hospital sites
Ninewells Hospital Programme of works undertaken in operational hospital
Nipotina From retail to restaurant