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All Projects Remove Filter
Project Marble New headquarters in Canary Wharf
Project Phoenix Rebuild to restore critical infrastructure
Project Trident Rationalisation of manufacturing plant
Project Trinity Home for chemical and s and renewable energy businesses
Project Zebedee - RDC Installation of complex engineering services and equipment
Project Zero Portfolio review to meet net zero targets
Provan Hall Restoration of Glasgow's most haunted building
Public Safety Answering Call Center II Second call centre for New York's emergency services
Publicis Headquarters move for ad agency
Queen Margaret Academy New academy being built in grounds of the existing school
Queen Mary's Hospital Redevelopment Phased seven-year redevelopment programme
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries New gallery more than 50 feet above the Abbey floor
Queens Quay Pioneering district heating network
Queensgate Cinema and Leisure Extension Redevelopment & extension to existing 1980s shopping centre
Radcliffe Civic Hub & Market A new on-stop shop for local residents
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Centennial Park Transformation of Buffalo's largest waterfront park
Ramsden Building Refurbishing the university's first purpose-built facility
Rathfinny Wine Estate New vineyard venture set in the heart of the South Downs
Real Estate Private Equity Firm Relocation in the heart of London's Mayfair
Reconstruction of Berths 201-202 Maintaining the UK's second largest container handling port
Red Lion Court New sustainable best-in-class office building
Red Rose Stand and Hotel Developing the home of Lancashire County Cricket Club
Redrock Stockport New leisure-led development transforming the town centre
Regeneron Renovation of facilities for leading biotechnology company
Rivenhall Integrated Waste Management Facility Generating electricity to export to the National Grid
Riverside Quay Off campus purpose-built student residence
Roku - Times Square Office expansion on Times Square
Roots in the Sky London's first office building with an urban forest rooftop
Rosewood Mansion Turtle Creek Renovating the iconic Mansion at Turtle Creek
Rosewood Residences Ultra luxury living in the golden triangle of Beverly Hills
Rothschild North America Inc Relocation of the financial firm's 70,000 RSF headquarters
Royal Academy of Arts Transformation Redevelopment of world renowned institution