East Kent Critical Care
This new 3,014m² two-storey state-of-the-art intensive care unit (ICU) provides 16 bed bays, eight isolation rooms together with all associated support and ancillary accommodation.
Three link corridors at first floor level connect the new building to the existing, giving direct access to operating theatres and the emergency department. Staff accommodation and plant space are provided on the second floor above.
The building has been designed to the latest HTM and HBN guidance and the scheme includes the provision of electrical, low temperature hot water and medical gas infrastructure. This infrastructure was coordinated with the needs of other live and future schemes.
The project was logistically challenging and required the temporary diversion of the hospital access road, provision of temporary car parking, relocation of a mobile MRI scanner, internal alterations of a ward to form the new access corridor, high voltage diversions and shutdowns as well as the shutdown and connection into the steam network.
Key Contacts
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Ashford, Kent