Emersons Green Urban Village
Emersons Green Urban Village is a 99 hectare development in South Gloucestershire being undertaken by a consortium of national housing developers.
The development comprises over 2,000 dwellings and 100,000m² of employment floor space, two new primary schools, land provision for a secondary school, a community hall, sports pavilion, health centre, nursery, sports pitches, BMX track, local retail and an extra care home.
G&T is managing all aspects of the development incorporating town planning, design, extensive S106 obligations, ecology, significant Roman archaeology and the relocation of frontline infrastructure such as BBC transmission masts and overhead 132kV high voltage power lines.
To date over 3km of new highway has been built along with Park & Ride, BMX and open space facilities. The first new primary school opened in September 2016.
Key Contacts
Emersons Green Urban Village Ltd
South Gloucestershire