Geological Disposal Facility (GDF)
The Geological Disposal Facility will be constructed in an unknown location. The current design includes shafts and drifts to a depth of between 200m and 1000m. It also includes large cavern excavations, roadways and other underground facilities as well as the remote handling facilities required for movement of nuclear waste on both the surface and underground.
G&T has provided cost estimating for over 30 years working in collaboration with our client and other supply chain members to produce the estimates to a level commensurate with the design.
We are working as part of the site evaluation team assessing the lifetime costs of each site against information provided by other parties which feeds into the overall site assessment. We are also assisting with the estimates for various works, outline business cases and final business cases.
This includes:
- Major Permissions (DCO)
- Major Permissions Support
- Full Scope to start of borehole drilling
- Lifetime Plan
- Site Characterisations
- Research & Development
- Design
- Safety Case
G&T also supported adhoc estimates for various changes and provided estimating support for the unit prices for potential nuclear new build operators. We supported the wider NWS on the LLWR, near surface disposal and Integrated Waste Management. Our work on the higher activity waste stores export schedule encompasses interaction with the waste producers to ascertain when nuclear waste will be sent to a GDF. This information is then used to produce an overall schedule of when different types of waste will be available for disposal and corresponds to the UK Radioactive Waste Inventory.
Key Contacts
Radioactive Waste Management & Nuclear Waste Services (NWS)