Inver Hydro Dam
Our team delivered the Inver Hydro project - a privately owned and operated 2MW dam storage hydro-electric generation station on the Isle of Jura. The new station raised the loch level by 3m and provided a new head of water to operate to 1MW Francis turbines via a 2,500m penstock pipeline solely for the purpose of realising Feed in Tariff.
The Isle of Jura is designated as a National Scenic Area and the scheme was subject to very close constraint in terms of visual impact and restoration. As an island location it is extremely isolated and was subject to a Logistics Study by our project managers to determine the most appropriate method of servicing the site with materials and labour.
Inver Hydro LLP
Isle of Jura
"It is testament to the tenacity and sheer endurance of the construction crew who have battled through some of the wildest weather Jura has seen for many years, and perhaps one of the most challenging environments the British Isles has to offer, to bring this project to fruition."Edward Smith
director, gardiner & theobald Glasgow