NHS Fife Projects
G&T’s Edinburgh office has worked consistently for NHS Fife since 2006 and our cost advisors have adopted a collaborative approach on each of the projects, working closely with NHS Fife and the PSCP to deliver innovative value for money solutions and robust target prices.
We were first commissioned to deliver Project and Cost Management services on the Stratheden 1st Elmview project, a new 18-bed mental health in-patient building, procured as a pilot to the Health Facilities Scotland Framework (using a Principal Supply Chain Partner). The project won the Health Facilities Design Award 2009. Our cost advisor team was subsequently appointed to deliver the second phase, Stratheden 2nd Muirview under Frameworks Scotland, providing a further 24-bed unit with external works and infrastructure.
In 2014 we were appointed on the £4.4m Intensive Psychiatric Care Unit, a new purpose built eight-bed psychiatric in-patient unit (IPCU) at Stratheden. The project rehoused patients previously located within outdated Victorian buildings. New facilities include clinical spaces, recreational and visitor areas in addition to en-suite patient bedrooms. The IPCU building has been constructed around three external courtyards, to permit patient access to secure external spaces, whilst still providing access and appropriate sight lines for clinicians.
A range of backlog maintenance improvements at Queen Margaret Hospital and Victoria Hospital followed which included the maternity ward reconfiguration and refurbishment, lift replacement projects, ophthalmology alterations, curtain walling replacement, escape stairs reconfigurations and medium temperature hot water and steam replacement works, amongst others.
Victoria Hospital’s new £30m NHS Fife National Treatment Centre is a recent capital project involving a new a state-of-the-art facility housing three operating theatres, a supporting inpatient ward and associated outpatient facilities.
Key Contacts
NHS Fife