TfL - Independent Assurance
G&T has provided capability to TfL since the award of its Professional Services Framework 2 in 2020 providing Project Management, Programme Controls and Independent Assurance services and staff to support TfL's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
We provide independent assurance services to TfL's Project Assurance team at various gateway decision points through the programme and project lifecycle, providing visibility of key issues for resolution prior to the next gateway.
In our role as an External Expert, we independently assure programmes and projects across the wide-ranging TfL Capital Works Portfolio. Close liaison with the programme and project teams is vital to success, acting as a 'critical friend' to both challenge and support.
Our reports provide a point-in-time snapshot of the status of the programme or project at the time our review was completed, providing a comprehensive record of our findings, observations and recommendations.
Key benefits in delivering the service to the client include:
- Refining our approach to enable the client requirements to be consistently and efficiently met, regardless of the mode
- Early and ongoing engagement with the TfL Assurance team as well as on time quality delivery of assurance reports has developed a trust in G&T's capability to deliver assurance reviews to the quality expected
- Intelligence from continuous assurance monitoring is identifying common themes, trends and lessons learned, allowing TfL to deploy focused reviews to drive improvement
Transport for London