UCL East FM Procurement
G&T was appointed to provide FM Consultancy Services to support University College London (UCL) with the development of an FM strategy and the subsequent procurement of a service provider to deliver a range of FM services to UCL East, University College London’s new campus at Queen Elizabeth Park, London.
The approved FM strategy was to procure two separate hard and soft FM contracts and we developed a two-stage procurement process and project programme to align with the practical completion date for the new campus.
In addition, we prepared all technical and commercial tender documentation and worked with the client's legal team in tailoring the bespoke contract. We also undertook commercial and qualitive evaluation, prepared the tender evaluation report and supported the preparation of the contract.
The new contract provides UCL with:
- A new FM partner aligned to strategic and operational objectives for UCL East
- Best in class FM contract documentation aligned to UCL East's s106 requirements regarding workforce diversity and engagement with the local community
- A bespoke suite of Operational Performance Indicators (OPIs) that support UCL's vision for UCL East to be a world class educational facility
Key Contacts
University College London