For clients that need a standalone procurement service we offer holistic solutions to engineer better, faster, cheaper outcomes from the most appropriate supply chain. Our service consists of a set of fully integrated modules of work that can be broken down into constituent parts and applied independently.
Members of the G&T team were involved in the production of the Governments Project Initiation Routemap: Procurement Module which developed a procurement methodology that works in both the private and public sector and our approach mirrors the structure outlined in that model:
Understanding and communicating requirements – the service starts with helping the client and the team understand the intended outcomes and benefits anticipated
Market engagement – analysis of the capacity and capability of the market to provide what is required but more importantly the appetite of the market to fulfil the requirements
Packaging – determining the best way in which to package the requirement so that risk is appropriately placed, that organisational interfaces are properly considered and the market appetite, capability and capacity are properly considered in the procurement decisions.
Contracting – working with the client to determine the appropriate risk allocation between the client and the supply chain so that the risk is sustainably placed between the parties
Route to market – determining the best way to approach the market(s) to ensure that not only is best value obtained by the client but also that the right number of suppliers are invited to compete for the right scope of work
Communicate the benefits – completing the procurement service measuring the benefits that have actually been achieved against those that were anticipated and the lessons learnt feedback that is to be given to the supply chain