Posted On January 17, 2019
G&T Announces Expansion of NextGen Programme for 2019
Managing Partner, Adam Glover, announces G&T NextGen partnership with the City Property Association (CPA) at launch event in London.
G&T held a NextGen launch party last night to celebrate the beginning of the 2019 NextGen programme. The evening included an introduction from newly appointed Managing Partner and NextGen champion, Adam Glover, who announced a new NextGen partnership with the CPA for 2019.
"Being Programme Champion of the CPA’s NextGen initiative will allow us to expand our well-established programme of events and dedicated NextGen content."Adam Glover, G&T Managing Partner
G&T's Managing Partner, Adam Glover commented:
“We strongly believe in supporting the next generation of property and construction professionals. Being Programme Champion of the CPA’s NextGen initiative will allow us to expand our well-established programme of events and dedicated NextGen content, increasing the opportunities available for the next generation to improve their interpersonal skills and build their networks with others from across the built environment.”
The CPA launched its NextGen programme in 2018 to support the next generation of industry leaders. Focussed on events, engagement and research this new initiative supports the CPA board and helps guide the future of the City, promoting debate on key topics through engagement with the real estate industry and key stakeholders. G&T is proud to be the CPA's NextGen Programme Champion for 2019 and help to build momentum with this innovative new initiative.
Rosie Day, Director at City Property Association (CPA) said:
“We are absolutely delighted that Gardiner & Theobald will be CPA NextGen’s programme champion for 2019. This funding and expertise will help the initiative grow from a series of networking events – to a really exciting programme of thought leadership activities and policy engagement.
The City of London’s built environment is one of the most dynamic and forward thinking in the world. With G&T’s support, our NextGen initiative will help younger people in the industry to meet and champion new ideas and innovation for the Square Mile.”

© Christina Solomons
The announcement of this partnership follows successful collaborations with The London Real Estate Forum on their NextGen initiative and New London Architecture’s NextGen programme, which will both continue to grow and develop in 2019. Nick McKeogh, Executive Director at Pipers talked at the launch party about the plans for LREF 2019, with a change of venue and an expanded events and speaking programme. Senior Programme Curator at the NLA, Lucie Murray, also spoke about the NLA’s NextGen plans for the year ahead.
“Our partners have been fantastic, collaborating with us to create a programme of content and events to reach a diverse group of people. The success of these programmes is down to the diversity of the different people involved.”Adam Glover, G&T Managing Partner

G&T’s NextGen programme supports the next generation of property and construction professionals to build their careers and creates opportunities for them to widen their networks across the built environment.
Adam Glover further commented:
“The NextGen programme enables us to give renewed focus to engaging with others, and give the next generation the opportunity to discuss the issues of the day and challenge the status quo with their peers across the industry.”
Find out more about our NextGen programme and the opportunities available by reading some of our previous articles.
Watch our latest films and find out more about G&T’s NextGen.