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Aug 31, 2022

New NextGen Representatives Announced

Executive surveyor Clare O'Malley and senior associate Simon Thornton named G&T's new CPA and NLA NextGen representatives.

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Taking over as members of the City Property Association and New London Architecture NextGen committees, Clare and Simon will play an important role in shaping the programmes. The groups include a variety of professionals, agents, architects, developers, planners and investors from some of the industry’s top organisations - all of which are dedicated to supporting a more sustainable and diverse London.  

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"Through my role I want to encourage increased action across the sector from policy to implementation, getting key players to commit to building a more sustainable environment that is fit for the future."

Simon Thornton

Senior Associate and NLA NextGen Sounding Board Member

The NextGen Sounding Board is a key component of the NLA NextGen initiative which identifies and supports young talent, championing the professional development of the built environment’s future leaders. Meeting quarterly, they explore blue sky thinking on topics which could influence the city of 2050.

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"I'm thrilled to be representing G&T on the CPA NextGen committee. It's been great to meet industry professionals from different backgrounds and help inspire diverse new talent to join the industry."

Clare O'Malley

Executive Surveyor and CPA NextGen Committee Member

The CPA NextGen initiative supports and champions the next generation of industry leaders in the City's property industry, organising bespoke events and activities for its members.

Our NextGen partnerships allow us to establish meaningful relationships with upcoming industry leaders from all areas of the built environment. With a busy programme of activities, the NextGen community promotes increased collaboration, whilst tackling key topics such as diversity, net-zero and smart tech with industry peers.

Find out more about our 2022 NextGen programme here.

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