Skyline Skills Hub launch
Since 2022, G&T has been a member of the Skills for a Sustainable Skyline Taskforce. An initiative rolled out by The City of London Corporation three years ago.
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Since 2022, G&T has been a member of the Skills for a Sustainable Skyline Taskforce. An initiative rolled out by The City of London Corporation three years ago.
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We are proud to continue our partnership with CRASH, a charity that unites the construction industry, utilising the expertise and resources of this sector to build and improve facilities that support homeless people and those in hospice care. Our support...
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Earlier this month a team of cost managers from G&T stepped away from their desks and picked up some tools to repair a playground. They were volunteering for London Play Design, an organisation that renovates, repairs, and preserves playgrounds for c...
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G&T partner Ben McCartney recently met with industry leaders to discuss the opportunities and challenges of The UK Goverment's Future Homes Standard.
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Care home operator Medici Lifecare has had designs for Dean Bradley House on Horseferry Road in Westminster approved by the local council. The flexible consent for clinical or care home use is the largest for healthcare in the city since the Clevela...
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As a part of G&T’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiative, the G&T marketing team spent the day conserving trees in Mile End supporting Trees for Cities.
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After a year of evidence gathering, the City of London’s Skills for a Sustainable Skyline Taskforce has launched its recommendations report – highlighting the need for direct action to ensure Central London has a globally competitive sustainable commercia...
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