- Ben Walker
- Michael Tilley
- Kelli Williams
- Oliver Smith
- Jason Waddy
- Rob Lyons
- Paul Crosland
- Matthew Rosewell
- Devin Montgomery
- James MacDonald Watson
- Willem van Zyl
- Ailsa Turnbull
- Gary McLaren
- Chris Bond
- Alex Halli
- Stuart Gray
- Georgie Danby
- Angela Coia
- Harry Schofield
- Kimberley Matthews
- Stewart Holmes
- Nikhil Sehmi
- Alistair Hay
- Andrew Dunderdale
- Daniel Webster
- Richard Lee-Cunningham
- Josh McCrow
- Jay Neil
- Jonathan Williams
- Derek Mullen
- Carolyn Barenbrug
- Craig Chatley
- Sarah Kelly
- Andrew Moore
- Harry Pluckrose
- James Tutte
- Gavin Williams
- Scott Roberts
- Max Graham
- Mark Cowieson
- Andrew Walker
- Keith Murray
- Trevor Springham
- Oliver King
- Katie Coulson
- Jonathan Fidge
- Chris Burke
- Rob Webster
- John Meredith
- Tony Etherington
- Stefan Borowik
- Andrew Demming
- Mark Deieso
- Jonathan Andrew
- Mark Gledhill
- James Angus
- Miles Delap
- Nick Rowe
- John Alderson
- Alastair Wolstenholme
- Jonathan Deans
- Kayne Howes
- Paul O'Keefe
- Andrew Paul
- Rob Knight
- Matthew Mills
- Gavin Murgatroyd
- Matthias Holman
- Theo Constantinides
- Phil Rollason
- Garrie Renucci
- Mary Rose Griffiths
- Kevin Arnold
- Alex Davey
- Richard Johns
- Michael Poulard
- William Galley
- Andrew Browne
- David Herford
- Edward Shield
- Courtney Natoli
- Adam Thurley
- Peter Sell
- Graham Drennan
- Colin Bearne
- Kevin Bryson
- Guy Macaulay
- Chris Gearey
- Daniel Wynne
- Marco Ielpi
- Kerry Gibbs
- Gary Bibby
- Ian Purton
- Philip Saunders
- Oliver Booth
- Andrew Smith
- Robert Heald
- Chris Boyce
- Katherine Clover
- Craig McLellan
- Paul Atkins
- Jared Carver
- Louise Rutherford
- Robert McNeish
- Ben McCafferty
- John Michaelides
- Gavin Ogg
- Ian Ingram
- Karl Seyfang
- Richard Hirshman
- Stuart Miller
- Paul Oliver
- Paul Eldred
- Neil Langford
- Rachel Collins
- Neil Swarbrigg
- David Allen
- Jim Boothroyd
- John Coleman
- Mark Gilluley
- Graham Livsey
- Stephen Frood
- Kenneth Deans
- Jonathan Wilson
- John Mead
- Joe Lawlor
- Gordon Ritchie
- Tim Ainger
- Katie Metcalf
- Colin MacKillop
- Richard Applin
- Jason Fowler
- John McGee
- Rob Mumford
- John Walsh
- David Elsmore
- Rob Webber
- Mike Wood
- Graham Speirs
- Andrew Munford
- Jonathan Eyles
All Projects Remove Filter
THE GERMAN SCHOOL - SPORTS HALL DEVELOPMENT Redevelopment of sports hall at international school
The Halo, Stratford Mixed tenure development overlooking London's Olympic Park
The HB Allen Centre, Keble College New 250-bedroom student residence
The Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn First major capital construction at the Inn in 20 years
The Hospital Club A home away from home
The Island Site New 100,000 sq ft sustainable office development
The Killefer School Project Transformation of historic landmark
The King's School One of the largest educational projects in the country
The Lanesborough First major upgrade in 20 years
The Lexicon £240m regeneration of Bracknell Town Centre
The London Library Bringing facilities up to 21st Century standards
The London Tunnels Bringing a 70-year old secret world to life
The Maine Mayfair First international location for restaurant group
The Majestic Channel 4's new national headquarters
The Milford Plaza/Row Hotel Renovation of Times Square hotel
The National Gallery - One Gallery Accommodation Hub New offices facilitating cross-department collaboration
The National Theatre Green Store New facility for costumes, props and scenery
The Ned Hotel redevelopment in former listed Midland Bank Building
The New Museum Expansion to existing galleries
The Old War Office Conversion of former government office building
The Peninsula Hotel New luxury hotel located at Hyde Park Corner
The Poppy Factory Scheme to futureproof the needs of The Poppy Factory
The Refinery Boutique hotel conversion
The Rise Central Two mixed-use residential buildings
The Rockfield Centre Redevelopment of former Victorian primary school
The Savoy Hotel Renovation of world-famous hotel
The Sill New visitor centre helping people explore the landscape
The Spa@KSTH New luxury spa and gym in former nightclub
The Spireworks New city centre student accommodation
The Stage New world-class destination in the heart of Shoreditch
The Standard First 'Standard' hotel outside of America
The Sultan Nazrin Shah Centre New facility located in parkland of the college