City of Glasgow College, Riverside Campus
The new estate will allow the City of Glasgow College to realise its educational vision and provide the learning community with fit for purpose facilities, consolidating and completing the process of integration and curriculum realignment following the creation of the college.
The investment will deliver significant educational benefits, improve efficiency and effectiveness and create a sustainable estate that evidences the Scottish Government's commitment to education, regeneration and carbon reduction.
The new estate will accommodate 210,000 WSUMs of SFC-funded curriculum activity. The curriculum mix is consistent with the current portfolio of CGC plus planned additional activity in key areas identified in the Curriculum for Glasgow review. A further EWSUMs commercial activity is also to be accommodated.
The Strategic Asset & Facilities Management Consultancy team acted as FM technical adviser for the project throughout the OJEU procurement to Financial Close and also provided post contract training and support to the college.
City of Glasgow College