- Ben Walker
- Michael Tilley
- Kelli Williams
- Oliver Smith
- Jason Waddy
- Rob Lyons
- Paul Crosland
- Matthew Rosewell
- Devin Montgomery
- James MacDonald Watson
- Willem van Zyl
- Ailsa Turnbull
- Gary McLaren
- Chris Bond
- Alex Halli
- Stuart Gray
- Georgie Danby
- Angela Coia
- Harry Schofield
- Kimberley Matthews
- Stewart Holmes
- Nikhil Sehmi
- Alistair Hay
- Andrew Dunderdale
- Daniel Webster
- Richard Lee-Cunningham
- Josh McCrow
- Jay Neil
- Jonathan Williams
- Derek Mullen
- Carolyn Barenbrug
- Craig Chatley
- Sarah Kelly
- Andrew Moore
- Harry Pluckrose
- James Tutte
- Gavin Williams
- Scott Roberts
- Max Graham
- Mark Cowieson
- Andrew Walker
- Keith Murray
- Trevor Springham
- Oliver King
- Katie Coulson
- Jonathan Fidge
- Chris Burke
- Rob Webster
- John Meredith
- Tony Etherington
- Stefan Borowik
- Andrew Demming
- Mark Deieso
- Jonathan Andrew
- Mark Gledhill
- James Angus
- Miles Delap
- Nick Rowe
- John Alderson
- Alastair Wolstenholme
- Jonathan Deans
- Kayne Howes
- Paul O'Keefe
- Andrew Paul
- Rob Knight
- Matthew Mills
- Gavin Murgatroyd
- Matthias Holman
- Theo Constantinides
- Phil Rollason
- Garrie Renucci
- Mary Rose Griffiths
- Kevin Arnold
- Alex Davey
- Richard Johns
- Michael Poulard
- William Galley
- Andrew Browne
- David Herford
- Edward Shield
- Courtney Natoli
- Adam Thurley
- Peter Sell
- Graham Drennan
- Colin Bearne
- Kevin Bryson
- Guy Macaulay
- Chris Gearey
- Daniel Wynne
- Marco Ielpi
- Kerry Gibbs
- Gary Bibby
- Ian Purton
- Philip Saunders
- Oliver Booth
- Andrew Smith
- Robert Heald
- Chris Boyce
- Katherine Clover
- Craig McLellan
- Paul Atkins
- Jared Carver
- Louise Rutherford
- Robert McNeish
- Ben McCafferty
- John Michaelides
- Gavin Ogg
- Ian Ingram
- Karl Seyfang
- Richard Hirshman
- Stuart Miller
- Paul Oliver
- Paul Eldred
- Neil Langford
- Rachel Collins
- Neil Swarbrigg
- David Allen
- Jim Boothroyd
- John Coleman
- Mark Gilluley
- Graham Livsey
- Stephen Frood
- Kenneth Deans
- Jonathan Wilson
- John Mead
- Joe Lawlor
- Gordon Ritchie
- Tim Ainger
- Katie Metcalf
- Colin MacKillop
- Richard Applin
- Jason Fowler
- John McGee
- Rob Mumford
- John Walsh
- David Elsmore
- Rob Webber
- Mike Wood
- Graham Speirs
- Andrew Munford
- Jonathan Eyles
Jonathan Andrew Remove Filter
200 5th Avenue Award-winning office renovation
200 East 59th Street New 35 storey residential condominium
21 East 12th Street New 23 story residential building
250 East 57th 57 story residential condo and rental building
28 Liberty Repositioning of former Chase Manhattan Bank HQ
390 Madison A new address on Madison Avenue
421 Hudson Conversion and renovation of 100 rental apartments
425 Park Avenue Iconic office tower designed by Foster + Partners
45 Rockefeller Plaza New offices in the heart of the Rockefeller Center
560 West 24th Street New luxury condominium and gallery space
800 10th Avenue New 96 unit residential development
Aegis Media Headquarters renovation for communications agency
Affirmation Arts Renovation to provide offices, art galleries and art studios
Akin Gump New offices for international law firm
Akin Gump Redesign of law firm's Bryant Park offices
America House 12 bed community residence adjacent to landmarked church
AppNexus Multi-phase office expansion
Associated Press Creating newsrooms of the future
Beecher's Cheese Interior fit-out for artisanal cheese company
Biomed One of the largest science parks in the States
Birch Wathen Lenox School extension in Upper East Side Manhattan
Boies, Schiller & Flexner New headquarters for premier US law firm at 55 Hudson Yards
Boston Plaza Repositioning and renovation of Landmark property
Brooklyn Botanic Garden Relandscaping of existing garden
Brooklyn Bridge Park The largest park project undertaken in New York in 100 years
Buddakan Restaurant in the Chelsea Market of the Meatpacking District
Build It Back Residential building programme following Hurricane Sandy
Coach Hudson Yards Transformation of Manhattan's West Side
Columbia University Medical Center New 14 storey medical education building
Confidential Law Firm Eight phase multi-level restack
Credit Suisse 1,000,000 RSF renovation of 11 Madison Avenue
Credit Suisse Renovation and restack of Madison Avenue offices