- Ben Walker
- Michael Tilley
- Kelli Williams
- Oliver Smith
- Jason Waddy
- Rob Lyons
- Paul Crosland
- Matthew Rosewell
- Devin Montgomery
- James MacDonald Watson
- Willem van Zyl
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- Gary McLaren
- Chris Bond
- Alex Halli
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- Georgie Danby
- Angela Coia
- Harry Schofield
- Kimberley Matthews
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- Alistair Hay
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- Richard Lee-Cunningham
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- Harry Pluckrose
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- Jonathan Fidge
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- Rob Webber
- Mike Wood
- Graham Speirs
- Andrew Munford
- Jonathan Eyles
Arts, Heritage & Culture Remove Filter
Kensington Palace Conservation Trust Extensive and carefully co-ordinated alteration
Koko Club Restoration of historic arts and music venue
Leighton House Museum Restoration of former home of leading Victorian artist
Maryhill Burgh Halls Restoration of the Category B listed building
Mathematics: The Winton Gallery Exploring how mathematicians helped build the modern world
Midmills The Highland's first creative hub
Mingei International Museum Major transformation of museum in Balboa Park
MSG SphereStudios Purpose built studio for content testing
Museum of Arts and Design Displaying crafts by American artists
Museum of London New home for museum showcasing London's history
National Heritage Centre for Horseracing & Sporting Art New museum telling the history of horseracing
National Museum of Flight One of the finest preserved examples of a WWII Airfield
National Museum of Scotland 15 year redevelopment and restoration programme
National Portrait Gallery Redevelopment of gallery's 123-year-old London home
National Trust for Scotland Projects Ambitious five year plan to showcase heritage of Scotland
National Youth Theatre Major renovation of professional studio space
Natural History Museum - Members' and Patrons' Room Transforming a previously unusable area of the museum
Neville Hall Home of the world's oldest professional mining organisation
Newcastle Gateshead Quays One of the largest regeneration projects in the North East
Norton Museum of Art Comprehensive renovation and expansion
Olympia London Transformation of iconic landmark into cultural hub
Panmure House Restoration of Adam Smith's former home
Park Hill Art Space Development of one of Europe's largest Listed buildings
Provan Hall Restoration of Glasgow's most haunted building
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries New gallery more than 50 feet above the Abbey floor
Royal Academy of Arts Redevelopment of world renowned institution
Royal Opera House - Open Up Project Enhancing the experience for artists and audiences alike
Sam Wanamaker Playhouse Playhouse inspired by traditional Jacobean theatres
San Diego Symphony New Bayside Performance Center
Science & Industry Museum - Power Hall Transformation to commemorate Manchester's industrial past
Science & Industry Museum - Special Exhibition Gallery Original terminus of the world's first inter-city railway
Science Museum - Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries World's Largest Medicine Galleries