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Arts, Heritage & Culture Remove Filter
Science Museum - Shop Refit and Expansion Refurbishment and expansion of existing retail space
Science Museum - Supporters' Centre New space for the museum's supporters
Science Museum - Wonderlab Interactive learning space igniting curiosity in science
Scottish National Gallery Major redevelopment to improve visitor experience
Sotheby's - New Reception Transformation into space for the 21st Century
Sotheby's Galleries Transformed Famous auction house celebrates 275th anniversary
Spyscape Interactive museum experience
St John's Redevelopment of former Granada Studios site
Stroud Christian Community New church for a growing congregation
The Burrell Collection Transforming the museum into an exemplar of sustainability
The Design Museum Fit-out of listed former Commonwealth Institute Building
The Engine Shed Scotland's new national building conservation centre
The Factory A new cultural venue for Manchester
The London Library Bringing facilities up to 21st Century standards
The London Tunnels Bringing a 70-year old secret world to life
The National Gallery - One Gallery Accommodation Hub New offices facilitating cross-department collaboration
The National Theatre Green Store New facility for costumes, props and scenery
The New Museum Expansion to existing galleries
The Rockfield Centre Redevelopment of former Victorian primary school
The Sill New visitor centre helping people explore the landscape
The Stage New world-class destination in the heart of Shoreditch
The Vinery New facility for the local community
Theatre Royal Drury Lane Restoring one of the world's oldest theatres
V&A East New collection and research centre for the V&A
V&A East - Stratford Waterfront Brand new museum in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
V&A Photography Centre New galleries for the V&A photography collections
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts New build and renovation to existing museum
Whitney Museum of American Art Part of the New York City fabric since 1930
World of Wedgwood Redevelopment of 1930s production facilities and museum
York Minster Revealed Safeguarding the building as a place of worship
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