The Wing - FM Consultancy
G&T was engaged to deliver Facilities & Asset Management Advisory services for The Wing - a new co-working and community space for women in central London.
The Wing is a network of co-working and club spaces founded in 2016 in New York City. The network of community spaces, dedicated to women, spans six US cities and has a membership of 10,000 women worldwide.
Our Strategic Asset Management & Facilities Management team worked closely with the client to develop and procure a bespoke FM strategy for this exciting new space in central London. It was crucial that the solution was agile and able to deliver top class FM services to members.
To achieve this, the strategy blends self-delivered front-of-house, catering and management services whereas maintenance, specialist cleaning and security services are delivered by a specialist FM supplier. Working at pace, G&T ensured that the female-led FM team was in place to welcome members on opening.
Read more about our work on this project in our Newsroom.
Key Contacts
The Wing