Posted On August 21, 2017 By Jim Boothroyd
University commences work for a new multi million pound sports facility
Project Spotlight
The University of Hull is investing £16m to increase the size and quality of their fitness facilities that will offer an extensive sporting provision for visiting teams and the community.
Gardiner & Theobald led a multi-disciplinary bid to secure the appointment in 2016, developing the scheme from inception to planning and through numerous design approved gateways. Phase 1 works (sports pitches) are now complete and following a successful procurement process the main new build element off the sports hall has commenced on site. Works to date have been delivered to the university’s requirements and continue to be managed to the agreed programme and budget.

"It’s a tremendous opportunity to secure such a flagship project as our first commission with the University of Hull"G&T Partner, Jim Boothroyd
Phase 1 of the sports development project included a new football hub, incorporating a brand new eight changing room pavilion complete with classrooms and physiotherapy room. This phase received a £500,000 donation from the Premier League & the FA Facilities Fund and also included the refurbishment of artificial sports pitches. The opening ceremony for the pavilion and newly refurbished artificial pitches will take place on Tuesday 22nd August including guest appearances from Hull City Tigers.
The existing sports hall, that has recently become a Grade II listed building, will be turned into a 120-station fitness gymnasium and supplementary facilities including a dance/aerobic studio, changing rooms and a conditioning suite.
The sports centre will house a 12-court sports facility to include international-standard netball courts and bleacher-style seating for 700 spectators, which will put the University forward as a regional hub for netball.

G&T Partner Jim Boothroyd commented:
“It’s a tremendous opportunity to secure such a flagship project as our first commission with the University of Hull and to have delivered to their requirements. We are enjoying our continued association with the University on this and other projects.”

G&T is providing Project Management led full design team services and Cost Management services as part of the design team from G&T’s Leeds office, under the Shared Business Services framework.