Written by Editor

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Mar 27, 2024

G&T volunteers for London Play Design

Written by Editor

Earlier this month a team of cost managers from G&T stepped away from their desks and picked up some tools to repair a playground. They were volunteering for London Play Design, an organisation that renovates, repairs, and preserves playgrounds for communities across London.

G&T carried out repairs on Cape Adventure Playground, which was established in the 1970s. Here, children can explore nature and play outdoors on rope bridges, treehouses and trampolines. 

In just one day, the G&T team:

  • Attached repair splints to tree house uprights
  • Laid a bark chip surface
  • Attached ‘bumper’ tyres to the zip wire fence
  • Removed concrete spurs near the lower pathway
  • Repaired the rope handrail of the main staircase
  • Widened the lower path

    The G&T volunteer team was 27 strong, providing 135 hours of volunteering. In total 350 children benefited from the project.

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